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FA105 – MIP Fund Accounting Employee Web Services Workshop

List price: $580.00

About this course

Course Level: Intermediate
FA104 – MIP Fund Accounting Human Resource Management Workshop or
FA248 – MIP Fund Accounting Human Resource Management Setup and FA249 – MIP Fund Accounting Human Resource Management Processing
Instructional Method: Group Live
Recommended CPE Credits: 4
One-Half Day Class
Published: 06/2021

The MIP Fund Accounting Employee Web Services Module integrates with the Human Resource Management and Payroll modules providing a convenient web-based employee portal with efficient automated timesheet management and employee data access. This half-day workshop is designed for human resource managers who need to understand the integrations between Employee Web Services, Human Resource Management, and Payroll in MIP Fund Accounting.

We strongly recommend that participants have a thorough understanding of timesheet and payroll processing concepts and practices before attending this workshop. Please see the recommended course prerequisites.

This course is divided into three segments:

  • EWS Setup and Administration – This portion will take approximately 60% of the total class time and covers the pre-configuration work in Payroll and Human Resource Management as well as administrative tasks and payroll processing. Participants will learn how to create cost centers, set up timesheets, create employee accounts, approve employee entries, and process payrolls.
  • EWS for Employees – This section is focused on entering time, leave, and expenses as well as editing personal information.
  • EWS for Managers – This portion covers review and approval of time, leave and expense entries.

This course covers topics related to the following modules:
General Ledger
Human Resource Management
Employee Web Services

By the end of the session, you will be able to:

  • Describe how the Employee Web Services module integrates with the Human Resource Management and Payroll modules.
  • Set up cost centers.
  • Define global timesheet settings.
  • Define employee timesheet settings.
  • Create employee accounts.
  • Enter hours worked.
  • Enter leave taken.
  • Enter reimbursable expenses.
  • Review and approve time, leave, and expense entries.
  • Process payrolls using Employee Web Services and Human Resource Management module functionality.

Class is held: Friday – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.